NWACNA 27 reimagining survey

NWACNA "reimagining" survey

A new year of NWACNA planning has begun and the retreat subcommittee wants to know how we can best serve our fellowship. We are “reimagining” what NWACNA is and what it could be.
Please take a couple of minutes to fill out the following survey:
1.Have you attended a NWACNA retreat in the past?
2.What was your favorite part of the retreat?
3.What was your least favorite part of the retreat?
4.Do you like holding the retreat at a campground even if it was at a different location? (This is in keeping with tradition. Usually there is primarily camping, with some cabins and/or rooms available)
5.Would you like to hold the retreat at a retreat facility? (Most of these facilities are dorm style rooms with larger gathering spaces)
6.Would you like to hold the retreat at a hotel? (This would be similar to a typical convention where rooms could be shared)
7.If held at a retreat facility or hotel, would you be open to holding retreat in winter rather than summer?
8.Please go ahead and dream and tell us any other ideas you have.