Celebrating Culture With Seniors In a Multicultural Australia with Kavisha Mazzella

Event Registration Form

The Event including breakfast will be held on:
Date: 27 October 2021
Time: 7.30am to 09.30am
Location: William Street Family Therapy Centre, 544 William Street, Mount Lawley 6050
Parking: Available on-street
Please fill in the event registration form below to register to attend.
Breakfast will be served on arrival and refreshments available.
Should you have specific dietary requirements please email those to info@afcas.net, by no later than 24 October 2021.
1.What is your first name?(Required.)
2.What is your last name?(Required.)
3.What is your email address?(Required.)
4.What is your phone number?(Required.)
5.Do you work or volunteer in an organisation?
6.We would appreciate your feedback on which of the following services you would be interested in:
7.Will you be attending the Kavisha's performance from 7.30 to 9am?
(if yes please register with a nominal fee of $10 ($5 for AfCAS Members)

Payments should be made to:
Account Name: AfCAS
BSB: 066000
Account No: 12399310
Reference: "Your Surname" and " Kavisha"

Once payment is received, you will registered
Thank you for registering for this event and for your feedback. We look forward to seeing you at the event.
Current Progress,
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