North Lake Tahoe Active Recreation

North Lake Tahoe Active Recreation Needs Assessment & Feasibility Study

Thanks for wanting to learn more about the project. Referring to project information shared during the May 2023 Open House, please answer the below questions to share your thoughts or comments.
1.Referring to the "Outdoor Recreation Needs Assessment" page (page 2):
What active recreation facilities are you most excited about? Should anything be added? Should anything be removed?
2.Referring to the "Indoor Recreation Needs Assessment & Programming Options Study" pages (pages 3 - 6):
What active recreation & aquatic facilities are you most excited about? Should anything be added? Should anything be removed? Would you be willing to pay more to have something else included?
3.Referring to the "What Does It Take To Build & Operate" page (page 7):
On a range of 1 to 5 with 5 being highly supportive, what is your level of support for the potential level of funding needed for a recreation & aquatic center? (Circle your response.)
Highly Do Not Support
Do Not Support
Highly Support
4.If you are interested in volunteering to help build support, please share your name and email address, what area(s) of North Lake Tahoe you connect with, what components of the project you are most interested in, or how you would like to help?
5.Any other thoughts or comments you would like to share with us regarding active recreation improvements in North Lake Tahoe?