Questionnaire for licensed condominium management provider companies

The CMRAO is gathering information from condominium management provider companies regarding the state of operations in condominiums under current emergency orders.

This survey is anonymous. By completing this survey you are providing valuable input that helps in planning for future activities. The results of this survey will be shared with the Government of Ontario.

This survey should only be completed once by your company. Please do not share the survey link with others in the sector.

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* 1. How would you describe the size of your condominium management provider company?

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* 2. Has your company developed plans for your client condominium corporations to adjust as the government eases restrictions related to the current emergency orders? These plans may include:

  • when and how to reopen amenities such as gyms, party rooms, etc.
  • when and how to begin holding meetings, including board meetings and owners meetings
  • increasing the purchase and supply of personal protective equipment and cleaning products
Please choose the answer that best describes your company's current situation.

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* 3. Has your company discussed these plans with the boards of your client condominium corporations?

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* 4. Has your company observed an increase in the number of owners who are defaulting on fee payments? This could include situations where the owner has defaulted, but a lien has not yet been registered. Please choose the answer that best describes your situation.

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* 5. Approximately what percentage of your clients have started holding or plan to hold owners' meetings using electronic or telephonic means since the emergency order was implemented that allows for this at all condominium corporations?

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* 6. In which areas would you like to see more guidance? Select all that apply.

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* 7. Please provide any additional input you would like to share with the CMRAO and the Government of Ontario.