Training Women to Win Public Office

Alaska Women Ascend is offering an eight-month "Get Elected" training program designed for progressive women of all ages who are interested in learning more about running for public office, managing a campaign or being a campaign treasurer. Trainings are held in Anchorage one Saturday a month from September 2019 through April 2020. There is an option to attend the trainings online for those outside of Anchorage. Total fee is $200 for entire training.

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* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 3. Email Address

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* 4. Phone Number

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* 5. Street Address

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* 6. City

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* 7. State

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* 8. Zip Code

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* 9. Political Party

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* 10. House District

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* 11. Senate District

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* 12. Assembly (or City Council) District

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* 13. Are you an elected official?

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* 14. I'm interested in becoming (select all that apply)

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* 15. Have you held office before?

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* 16. Are you currently a declared candidate (have you filed with APOC or FEC?)

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* 17. If you have held office, what offices have you held?

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* 18. Have you ever run for office?

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* 19. If you have run for office, what office, and when?

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* 20. For managers, treasurers and first time candidates: What has been your prior campaign experience? Have you worked on campaigns before (for candidates or issues)?

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* 21. For managers, treasurers, volunteers, etc...Are you working with a campaign now? Whose?

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* 22. I would like to be selected for this program because:

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* 23. Please provide a three to four sentence bio about yourself that you could share with other attendees.

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* 24. Do you support equal rights for LGBTQ individuals?

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* 25. Do you support the right of women to make their own reproductive decisions?

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* 26. Do you support collective bargaining?

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* 27. Are you requesting financial assistance (waiver of fee)?

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* 28. Please provide a reference name and contact number

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* 29. What is your occupation?

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* 30. Who is your employer?

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* 31. How do you plan to participate in the events?