In 2025, Washington State is updating our Consolidated Plan. This document guides the state’s distribution of Federal housing dollars (Housing and Urban Development – HUD) funds for the next four years and we need YOUR help and input.
The Consolidated Plan benefits low-income households and locations, identifies housing and community development needs, and sets the priorities and strategies to meet those needs.
It serves as the state’s application for federal funds for these five programs:
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Delivers flexible funds to city and county governments to support low and moderate income persons
- HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Invests in affordable housing projects (new construction and preservation) statewide for very low-income households
- National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) Invests in affordable housing projects (new construction and preservation) statewide for extremely low-income households
- Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Funds counties to support homeless crisis response systems, including shelters, rental assistance, and street outreach
- Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Supports low-income persons and their families living with HIV/AIDS
Below are a series of open-ended questions that will help shape the priorities for this plan. Not all questions are required to be completed.
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