Question Title

* 1. What organisation do you work for? Please be specific, e.g., "the Students' Representative Council of the University of Sydney"; as opposed to "the SRC".

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* 2. Who do you provide services to? (tick each one that applies to you)

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* 3. What services do you provide?

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* 4. How is your service funded?

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* 5. How many staff members are employed in your service?  (e.g., how many caseworkers, how many lawyers, how many admin staff, etc)  Please specify.

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* 6. What are the current issues or trends your students are experiencing within the university?  (e.g., fake medical certificates, accessing academic advice, deficient library services)

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* 7. What are the current issues or trends your students are experiencing outside of the university? (e.g., loss of bond in housing; employment issues; mental illness)

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* 8. Describe a project your organisation is doing, or would like to do.

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* 9. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?