We are thrilled to be back in school and to see your faces again.  As we kick off the school year, we wanted to share some exciting opportunities for you to be involved.  We believe we have all been given a gift to share who God is (1 Peter 4:10), and we thank you for how generously you share your time, talent and resources with the Academy.  We also know there are many new families who want to help, and we would love to get you involved.  Please take five minutes to fill out this volunteer survey by Friday, August 11.  We have some specific needs and also some open-ended questions.  Thank you for your partnership in raising Warriors for Christ.

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* 1. Please share your contact information.

Are you interested in helping with school-wide events? We are always in need of creative minds and hard workers for set up and take down.

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* 2. Christmas Arts Trail (Saturday, December 2nd)

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* 3. Fine Arts Showcase / Spring Celebration (Thursday, April 4th)


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* 4. Are you available to help our maintenance and facilities team with special projects such as putting together bookshelves, pressure washing, etc?


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* 5. Do you have a special artistic skill or know someone who does? Mrs. Dove would love to have guest artists come and share with Upper School classes and possibly offer workshop experience for the students to learn a new art skill.

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* 6. Are you interested / available to chaperone upper school art field trips-dates TBD.

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* 7. We will be participating in Tinsel Trail downtown this year!  (tentative set up is the last week in November).

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* 8. Christmas Arts Trail Preparation. Check the items below if you are available to help.

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* 9. Fine Arts Showcase (April 4th).  Volunteers are needed to prep artwork the month before and all day prior to the event to help put up all artwork. Are you available?


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* 10. The Marketing Team is looking for volunteers. Do you love social media and photography? We are looking for 3 parent volunteers from each grade to help capture photos and videos of grade-level activities (5th grade Colonial Christmas, 4th grade Business Day, etc.). Please check the box(es) for your child's grade(s).

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* 11. Are you available to help photograph school-wide events like Homecoming, Veteran's Day, Fine Arts Showcase, etc. (photography experience preferred)? Warrior Media Team t-shirt included!

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* 12. Are you available to help with sporting event pictures and videos (videography experience preferred)?


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* 13. Would you be willing to share your family's "Academy Story" so others can hear how God is working in your family through our school?  We gather these stories to share on social media as well as the Warrior Window Magazine.  The hope is to bring God glory through these family stories!


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* 14. Are you available to help serve at Warrior Wear sale events including home football games, sidewalk sales, school-wide events and other sporting events?


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* 15. Leaders are needed to teach a variety of enrichment classes (arts, science, special skills) for TK-6th grades.  Leaders can choose class sizes and grades they would like to teach.  All supplies for classes will be provided by the school.  Leaders will be compensated for sharing their time and talents with our students.

Enriching Wise Warrior 2023-24 dates:
Fall Session 2023:  November 2, 9, and 16 from 3:30-5:00
Spring Session 2024: March 19, 26 and April 2 from 3:30-5:00

Are you available to lead an Enriching Wise Warrior class?


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* 16. Are you interested in volunteering in the lunchroom from 10:30-12:30?  Vida Wann needs volunteers to help distribute lunches to students (days / dates to be worked out between you and Vida).


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* 17. We are always looking for chapel speakers for all grade levels. Would you be interested in speaking at a chapel or recommend a speaker?


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* 18. Every senior at The Academy has the opportunity to participate in a senior internship.  Are you employed with or do you own a business that can host a senior intern for an hour and a half each day for a semester beginning in January? (specifically looking for medical, business, marketing, engineering and ministry, based on student interest)


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* 19. We are often amazed at the gifts and talents within the Academy family.  Do you have a special gift and/or talent you would be willing to share with our students or a recommendation for someone who does?


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* 20. Are you available to come speak to classes about your profession or area of expertise?  We value the opportunity for our students to hear from parents about their careers.

We are  updating our business directory so that Academy families can support one another.  If you own/co-own a business that you would like included in the business directory, please fill out the form here.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey and for your willingness to serve.  We truly have the best community of parents and volunteers!  You will be contacted by staff members throughout the year who will provide more details and direction in your area of interest.