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We have arrived to the end of 2021! As we prepare our program for 2022, we are looking to you, our members to guide us and provide us with feedback. You are all at the center of the work that we do! What do you want to see more of? Let us know!

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* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. Country of origin:

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* 3. Which of these options best describe you?

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* 4. Which age group best describes you?

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* 5. What would be the main reason for being a member of YPARD? (Check all that apply)

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* 6. In your opinion, YPARD is most valuable to you for its... (Please rank the answers in order of importance to you)

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* 7. How do you receive information from YPARD? (Multiple choices possible)

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* 8. Frequency of information: is the information you receive from YPARD:

Not frequent enough Just right! Too frequent
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 9. How often do you access the YPARD website?

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* 10. Have you participated in an event (online or offline) organized or co-organized by YPARD either at national, regional, or global level? If yes, please tell us more about it. If not, please skip to the next question.

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* 11. Have you benefitted from any opportunity promoted by YPARD (capacity development, participation in an event, funding, job, etc?) If yes, please tell us more about it. If not, please skip to the next question.

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* 12. Have you increased your network with both senior and young professionals thanks to YPARD? If yes, please tell us more about it. If not, please skip to the next question.

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* 13. How much you think YPARD is contributing to a positive image of agriculture?

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* 14. How can YPARD make the biggest impact in its sector? (Please rank the answers in order of importance to you.)

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* 15. Local/national representation: have you been in contact with YPARD's local representative online and/or offline?

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* 16. Regional representation: have you been in contact with your regional coordinator?

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* 17. Rank YPARD's objectives in order of importance based on your opinion:

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* 18. Would you be interested in joining one of YPARD's working groups? If so, which one:

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* 19. Which topics in policy and advocacy do you wish for YPARD to engage in?

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* 20. We are always looking for speakers! If you are interested in being part of our database for speakers in global and regional dialogues, please share you contact information, areas of expertise, and provide links to your social media pages (IG, Twitter, FB, LinkedIn):

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* 21. You've arrived to the last question! What can YPARD do better? We know there is always room for improvement!

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