Mapping Child Participation in Barnahus in Europe

Thank you for participating in this mapping exercise ! This will help the PROMISE Child Participation Working Group to better understand how the voices of children are currently heard and expressed in Barnahus settings in Europe. Your responses will help us to identify potential methods and processes that can help us empower children during their journey through Barnahus in an even more meaningful way.

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* 1. About you

Please give us some information about you:

Person / Function completing this form:
Persons/Functions who participated in responding:

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* 2. When are children's voices sought ?

When thinking of the Barnahus Model and the Quality Standards, please indicate at which level you include children's voices before, during and after the Barnahus service. You can tick as many boxes as relevant.

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* 3. Child Participation Methodologies & Strategies

Do you have internal child participation methodologies and/or strategies? If YES, kindly list them and provide links when available

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* 4. Ethics and Accountability

Do you have any written resources (guidelines, protocols, commitments, etc) related to ethical considerations and/or risks associated to child participation. If YES, kindly list them here.

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* 5. Are you familiar with the Lundy Model of Child Participation ?

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* 6. If YES, do you use the Lundy Model of Child Participation in your practice ?

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* 7. The Lundy Model of Participation is grounded in Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which enshrines the rights of children to express their views on matters that affect them and for their views to be given due weight. The four sequential elements of the model are: 1) Space, 2) Voice, 3) Audience and 4) Influence.

In relation to SPACE
Please explain how you ensure that the Barnahus space is conducive to child participation (people, practices, routines and surrounding environments within the context of the service: Physical environment, access, waiting area, meeting rooms, interview rooms, etc.)

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* 8. In relation to VOICE:
Please indicate how the voices of children are heard:
1) in relation to the development of the service (how do you facilitate communication with children, do you record children, do you consult with children, do you provide them with information, etc.)
2) for evaluating their journey before, during and after the Barnahus service (do you ask for feedback, etc.)

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* 9. In relation to AUDIENCE:
In your team, who is required to hear what children have to say?

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* 10. In relation to AUDIENCE: Capacity Building

Have you developed and/or conducted trainings on child participation with your teams ? If YES, could you please elaborate your response and share available material which could be of interest for other Barnahus Centres/Houses?

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* 11. In relation to INFLUENCE:
Please explain how you ensure that children’s views are taken seriously and acted upon appropriately (Impact of child participation, annual reporting, Children Membership, evaluation mechanisms, etc.)

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* 12. Audio/Video/Written information material for Children

Do you have any audio/video/written information material  on child participation designed for children (brochures, leaflets, factsheets, infosheets, etc.). If YES, kindly list them and provide links when available

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* 13. Audio/Video/Written information material for Families

Do you have any audio/video/written information material on child participation designed for families (brochures, leaflets, factsheets, infosheets, etc.). If YES, kindly list them and provide links when available

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* 14. Audio/Video/Written Information Material for Professionals

Do you have any written/audio/video information material on child participation designed for professionals (brochures, leaflets, factsheets, infosheets, etc.). If YES, kindly list them and provide links when available

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* 15. Learnings related to Child Participation

From your experience, do you have any major learning to share on child participation? If yes, could you please elaborate your response and share here links to any learning reports, papers you might have made that can give useful insights?