Feedback for TIMESTEP

Hi Everyone! 
This quick survey is designed to provide us with feedback about how effectively TIMESTEP is helping you navigate your degree. PLEASE help us to improve the program by answering the following questions. 
- The TIMESTEP team

Question Title

* 1. What is your major?

Question Title

* 2. What stage are you in the program (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior,  transfer student, best guess ) ?

Question Title

* 3. What is your ethnicity and/or gender identity?  (Optional Question)

Question Title

* 4. Of the events you attended, please rate their effectiveness

  VERY useful - do this again!  SOMEWHAT useful NOT useful Did not attend
Aug 28th 2019: Jobs in Industry for Astronomy and Physics Majors
Oct 9th 2019: What it's like to be a Graduate Student
Oct 18th 2019: Tamale Lunch with Dr Jorge Moreno
Oct 23rd 2019: Overview of Applying for Graduate School
Nov 6th 2019: Graduate School Application Writing Workshop #1
Nov 20th 2019: Graduate School Application Writing Workshop #2

Question Title

* 5. Select ONE of the following statements that you agree with most

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* 6. Select ONE of the following statements that you agree with most

Question Title

* 7. Are you interested in applying for a paid internship program at a local tech company for Summer 2020?  (only available to juniors or seniors still enrolled in Fall 2020)

Question Title

* 8. If you attended the Graduate School Workshops (Nov 6 or Nov 20), please indicate your level of agreement with the below statements.

  I strongly agree I somewhat agree I somewhat disagree I strongly disagree N/A
I was treated with respect
My application material improved
I left feeling more informed about next steps to edit my materials
I was given guidance I found useful
I valued this experience

Question Title

* 9. Would you be interested in a workshop about careers in Science Communication and Outreach? 

Question Title

* 10. Tell us how we are doing !