Broome Age-Friendly Project Survey of Adults Age 55+

1.How would you rate your community as a place to live as people age? (select one)
2.What about your community makes it a good place for people to live as they age? (select two)
3.What would make the community a better place for people to live as they age?
4.How confident are you that you will be able to continue living in your current residence for as long as you would like? (select one)
5.What are some reasons you might consider moving from your current home (check all that apply)
6.Do you feel that there are enough social activities in your community for older adults?
7.What activities would you like to see that are not currently available?
8.If you don’t currently go to a senior center, that is because…
9.Do you currently volunteer?
10.Do you have internet at home?
11.Is there anything else you would like to share about making your community a better place to age in place?
12.Where do you live? (City/Town/Village)
13.How old are you?
14.How do you identify?
15.What is your race and/or ethnicity?
16.Are you of Hispanic or Latino/a origin?