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As an independent evidence-led not-for-profit, Penington Institute is committed to understanding the community's views on cannabis policy reform.

Your stories and thoughts are invaluable in shaping our work as we develop a model for a regulated cannabis market for adult use that prioritises community health and safety. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and help us drive positive change.

All responses provided in this survey will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous. Your personal information will not be shared with any third parties, and your individual responses will only be used for internal purposes unless we discuss otherwise with you directly.

Thank you for your contribution.

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* 1. Which Australian state or territory are you from?

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* 2. In a few paragraphs, share your story about cannabis with us. No matter what it entails—whether positive or negative, involving yourself or the people around you—we're interested in hearing from community members of all backgrounds.

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* 3. What are you most concerned about, if at all, when it comes to cannabis reform in Australia?

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* 4. If cannabis were to be decriminalised and regulated, how would you want those regulations to work?

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* 5. Would you be willing to share your details with us in case we have any opportunities for you to be involved further in our work on cannabis regulation? If so, please share your details:

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