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We need your help to improve the CES mentoring initiative! This mentorship survey is being conducted by the CES Professional Learning Committee (PLC) in conjunction with Member Services and the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Environmental Sustainability (EDI&SE) Committee. This survey will provide information on the uptake, continuing interest, and preferences for mentoring. As CES is launching a new Association Management System, we have an opportunity to enhance the features and usability of the mentoring platform to better meet the needs of our members.

Please take ten minutes to complete the survey. This survey will be open until September 23, 2022. Participation is voluntary. Responses will be aggregated. You may answer as many or few questions as you wish. A brief summary report will be available through CES. If you have questions about this survey, please contact Scott Kettles, Member Services Manager at
*CES currently offers an informal self-directed mentoring initiative that enables members of the Canadian Evaluation Society to voluntarily register as a mentor, mentee, or both ( Once registered, CES members receive a personal code, enter a profile into the mentoring platform, and use the search and notification features to support 1:1 matching. There is no charge for the service; it is one of the benefits of CES membership!
The present stand-alone mentoring platform and content was developed for CES after significant involvement from volunteers in the Canadian evaluation community and with financial contributions from many Canadian Evaluation Society Chapters.  Special thanks to those who spearheading the initiative that launched in 2015. Thank you for participating in this survey about the Canadian Evaluation Society’s (CES) informal self-directed Mentoring Initiative. 
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