Welcome to our survey!

You are invited to participate in a study by Jayashree George and Deborah Sharpe. We hope to learn about art as it is used in clinical practice by counselors, marriage and family therapists, art therapists, psychologists and social workers. If you are a credentialed professional and you use art in your clinical work as a part of the therapeutic process, we welcome your participation in this study. The present research study has been approved by the IRB Committee of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

If you decide to participate, your answers will be taped using a hand held voice recorder in face-to-face or phone interviews. We are committed to maintaining confidentiality and your identity will be masked using pseudonyms to protect your confidentiality. The interview will be approximately one hour long with a possible follow-up interview that will last between one half-hour to one hour. A questionnaire generated by the above researchers about art used in clinical practice/therapy will be used for the interview. There are no risks but there may be some discomfort normal for an hour-long interview. Any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified with you will remain confidential and will be disclosed only with your permission or as required by law. Additionally, even as we ask you questions about your experience of using art in your clinical practice, we encourage you to maintain client confidentiality and will help you do so in every way we can (asking you to use pseudonyms for clients and mask identifying details, etc.). All interview transcripts and related data will be stored in password protected files on each of our computers and hard copies of the informed consent document will be stored in a secure locked box with Dr. Jayashree George. All data will be destroyed after a 3-year period. If you give us your permission by signing this document, we plan to share the results of this study through a published article that continues to maintain participant confidentiality. If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw your consent and discontinue participation at any time without penalty.

By signing below, you agree to participate. Following this, you will fill out a brief demographic survey and provide your contact information in order to be interviewed. If you have any questions, the principal investigator, Dr. Jayashree George (620-794-0994) will be happy to answer them.

Question Title

* 1. Do you agree to participate in this study? By clicking Yes, you agree to the terms of this study.

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your contact information for being interviewed---Name, phone number and email address.