Share your concerns about the Barnegat Bay with us!

The Barnegat Bay is a national ecological treasure and supports one of the most valuable economies of any estuary in the country. The Barnegat Bay Partnership (, the National Estuary Program for the Barnegat Bay, is revising the long-term plan for protecting and restoring this precious bay. The plan is also known as the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan for Barnegat Bay. We want to hear your thoughts and concerns about the bay and your ideas for the future management, protection, and enhancement of its valuable resources.

Your feedback is important to us as we plan for the future. Thank you for sharing your concerns with us. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Karen Walzer, Barnegat Bay Partnership Public Outreach Coordinator, at

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* 1. Do you live, work, or play on the Barnegat Bay or use any of its resources (e.g., by fishing, crabbing, clamming, boating, paddle boarding, swimming, wildlife watching, enjoying the sunset)?  If yes, tell us how.

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* 2. a. How do you get your information about the Barnegat Bay?
   b. Are you familiar with the Barnegat Bay Partnership's State of the Bay Report - 2016?

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* 3. What concerns you most about the Barnegat Bay?

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* 4. What concerns do you have about water quality and water supply in the bay and its watershed (the land area draining to the bay)?

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* 5. What are you doing at home or work to reduce sources of pollution that can affect water quality in the bay and its tributaries?

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* 6. What concerns do you have about the habitats (e.g., marshes, seagrass beds) and living resources (e.g., fish and wildlife) in the bay and its watershed?

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* 7. What concerns do you have about the potential impacts of climate change and sea-level rise (e.g., more frequent and severe flooding and storm events) on your community?

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* 8. Tell us what you think is important to include in the long-term plan for the bay.

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* 9. How did you hear about this feedback form?