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SRPC Resiliency Priority Survey

In order to assess our communities’ differing needs and identify opportunities for mutual assistance, the SRPC Resiliency Subcommittee seeks your input!

Resiliency is a front-and-center question at the national, state, regional, and local levels. To us, resiliency means the ability for our socio-economic and municipal system to bounce back after sustaining a shock or major disruption. Diverse issues and management approaches to the question of resiliency exist among individual communities. Based upon your current understanding of resiliency and/ or an ongoing discussion within your community, please take a few minutes to respond below to the best of your knowledge. Thank you!

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* 1. Which community in the SRPC region do you represent?

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* 2. Are you any of the following?  Check all that apply

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* 3. Please help us to understand what you and your community view as the most critical resiliency issues to address today. Please rate each of the following ranging from indicating whether it is not an issue of importance at this time to a high priority today.

  Not a priority Low priority Moderate priority High priority Unsure
Employment security and sustainability
Local/regional economy and business vitality
Emergency services-response for individuals in the community
Food supplies, including local options
Water supplies (quantity, quality, multiple sources)
Housing choices-truly affordable options
Environmental resources/ecosystem protection
Energy-efficiency, alternative energy supply and transmission options
Waste management/Recycling systems
Transportation-availability and accessibility to different modes of transportation
Road infrastructure
Water and sewer connections
Stormwater infrastructure
High speed internet infrastructure
Health/access to medical care
Sense of community/social fabric
Recreation programming, facilities and opportunities
Cultural opportunities and tourism

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* 4. Please tell us a little bit more about your community’s resiliency efforts and interests. Please check all that apply for the following:

  My community is working on this My community is happy to share what we are doing in this area My community is interested in learning more Unsure
Employment security and sustainability
Local/regional economy and Business viability
Emergency Services – response for individuals/the community
Food supplies, including local/regional options
Water supplies (quantity, quality, multiple sources)
Housing choices -including truly affordable housing options
Environmental resources/ecosystems protection
Energy - efficiency, alternative energy supply and transmission options
Waste Management/Recycling systems
Transportation – availability and accessibility of different modes of transportation
Road Infrastructure
Water and sewer infrastructure
Stormwater infrastructure
High speed internet infrastructure
Health/access to medical care
Sense of community, social fabric
Recreation programing and facilities
Culture and tourism

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* 5. If you noted that your community would be willing to share more about their work, who can we contact to discuss the topic of resiliency?

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* 6. Tell us more about how your perception of resiliency changed in the last couple of years. Do you see resiliency as:

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* 7. If you selected more of an issue or less of an issue, please explain further. What changes have you observed? Do you see new priorities and why?

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* 8. Please share any other relevant comments or information you’d like SRPC to know.

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* 9. If you would like to participate or receive more information on upcoming resiliency round tables please leave your email

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