Question Title

Your Production (Workload) Meeting is the single most important meeting any millworker conducts—it is critical to your success! It’s that point every week where your organization comes together to plan into the future, which is difficult. Join Marc, at no cost, in a discussion about the importance of a well-structured and properly executed production meeting. He will cover topics like the tools used to “attack” this step, example workload meeting agenda and the CEO audit to ensure everything is going as planned. You will learn how to calculate what the meeting is worth to your organization, how to set expectations, how to prepare, and setting goals for the meeting.  You will leave knowing which levers to pull to hit your goals, which metrics to track and how to implement change.  Bring your staff to ensure your team is aligned and ready to take your production meetings to the next level.

Presenter Bio
Marc Sanderson entered the millwork industry 25 years ago with a small cabinet shop and now it's one of the most respected millwork companies in the United States. Using the Theory of Constraints along with integrated sets of activities, Marc has transform Wilkie Sanderson into a national player performing work from coast to coast.

Additionally, Marc Sanderson serves as CEO of INNERGY. The software that was created at Wilkie Sanderson serves as the basis of design for INNERGY.

"Knowledge without action is useless." - Marc Sanderson

February 13, 2024 (no cost to attend)
8:30am-12pm- Optimizing Your Workload Meeting
12pm-1pm- Lunch
1pm-4pm- Optimizing Your Workload Cont
4pm-??? Happy Hour

Education Location
Sandman Signature Langley Hotel
8828 201 St, Langley Twp, BC V2Y 0C8, Canada

Question Title

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