1. An Anonymous Survey: Is Business Development More Difficult For Women Fee Earners?

For the purpose of this survey Professional Services Firms (PSF) are practices in the sectors of legal services, management consulting, accountancy, engineering services, financial advisory services, and architectural & surveying services.

And for this survey's purpose, Business Development is defined as the activity of generating new business opportunities with commercial clients.

New business opportunities can be derived from pursuing new client relationships, expanding roles with existing client relationships, or developing new services or products.

Commercial clients include public and private organisations, institutions, and government / statutory entities. 

For a report on the findings of past surveys please email Sue-Ella at sueella@prodonovich.com 

Question Title

* 1. Please choose your response to this statement. "Business Development is more difficult for women fee-earners working in professional services firms."
Select a response most aligned with your first-hand or direct experience.

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* 2. Why did you choose this rating? I am interested in the experiences or observations that give you this impression.

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* 3. Do you think that, over the past 5 years, it has become easier for women fee-earners to execute effective Business Development strategies in professional services firms?

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* 4. How many years' experience do you have as a fee-earner in a professional services firm?

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* 5. In what type of professional services firm do you work? For example, legal services, engineering services, management consulting,  accountancy, financial advisory services, architectural or surveying services.

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* 6. Your gender

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* 7. In which country do you practice most of the time?

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100% of survey complete.