Module Eight Quiz

Please complete the following quiz.  Answers are either multiple choice or True/False.  You will be shown incorrect answers and be able to retake the quiz if necessary.  You will need 70% to pass each module.  You may go back any time before finishing the quiz and change your answers.  (The first question -- your name -- doesn't count!) . If you do not pass the quiz, please go back to the original link and begin again.

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* 1. Please type in your name

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* 2. Our bodies hold all the manifestations of the ways we’ve had to disconnect from our own drives for completion. The smallest flinches, constrictions, slumps, incongruent smiles, and tensions reveal the efforts needed to protect from full engagement. These can become habitual and can guide the therapeutic focus to the old need to disconnect.

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* 3. We disconnect to protect from discomfort and danger, or the expectation of that. Common dynamics of disconnection include:

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* 4. Which of the following is not an example of disconnecting?

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* 5. In the case of “Jerry,” the shift from “content to process” happened when:

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* 6. Which of the following are true?