Question Title

* 1. We welcome your participation in the following survey to help determine the best criteria for selecting the Superintendent of Schools for Winthrop.  Please select the category that best describes you.

Question Title

* 2. Please rank the following priorities in order of importance to you, with one being the most important (1-21):

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* 3. What do you believe is/will be the most important issue facing the next Winthrop Superintendent?

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* 4. Please rank the following skills and abilities that you would like to have in the next Winthrop Superintendent, with one being the most important (1-20):

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* 5. What are the strengths of the Winthrop Public Schools that you would like to see preserved, protected or expanded?

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* 6. What are the areas that need change and/or improvement?

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* 7. Please add additional comments