Wintercon Trade Stand Booking Sheet

2018 Booking sheet
This survey asks for information we need to help us book you in as a trade stand.
Please read the CGS Trade stand guide to get an idea on how everything works.
The guide is available from the CGS Wintercon page.

Question Title

* 1. Trade stand Name

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* 2. Contact Person

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* 3. Email:

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* 4. Phone number

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* 5. Postal Address

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* 6. City

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* 7. State

Question Title

* 8. Postcode

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* 9. Webpage

Trade stands are made up from multiple 1m wide, 4m deep slots.
Please see the below map for the 2018 layout.
(The small squares between areas are 1mx1m and are included to show spacing.)

Select the slots you want, then list your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices.
Slots are booked on a  first in basis for Wintercon.

Trade stands may be moved to fit available space as required.
You will be consulted beforehand.

Slots 46 to 52 are overflow. If they are needed they will be available once the other slots are filled.
GREEN Slots have been booked.
The map will be updated weekly.

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2018 Map

2018 Map

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* 10. Slot booking options (@120.00 per slot)

An example booking could be 4 slots (4m wide x 4m deep).
eg: Slots, 35,36,37 & 38.
This would be 4 x $120 = $480.00

You could then book 2 tables @ $20.00 each and 2 chairs @ $5.00 each.

The total would be $530.00

Once we have confirmed your booking, we will send you an invoice which must be paid by the end of June.

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* 11. How many trestle tables (80cmx120cm) @ $20.00 each do you want?

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* 12. How many chairs @ $5.00 each, do you want?

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* 13. How many Partitions (1.1mx2m) @ $55.00 each do you want?

Partitions can be used to form high (2m) or low (1.1m) walls around your stand.
If you want walls between you and an adjacent trade stand, you may be able to go halves with your neighbour.
Contact us to discuss.

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* 14. Are you sponsoring an event at Wintercon?

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* 15. Have you been to Cancon or Wintercon before?