Question Title

* 1. Name 

Question Title

* 2. Email address

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* 3. Business name

Question Title

* 4. What wine region (GI) is your business based in?

Question Title

* 5. Please indicate your business type? 

Question Title

* 6. Are you a member of Wine Victoria? 

Question Title

* 7. Which sustainability certification (AWISSP) workshop did you attend

Question Title

* 8. Have you completed Sustainable Winegrowing Australia membership?

Question Title

* 9. Please tell us why you’d like to become certified (allow multiple responses)?

Question Title

* 10. Please rank your confidence to complete the following (1= low confidence - 10= highest confidence)

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sustainable Winegrowing Australia
Management sections
Environmental sections 
On-ground preparation

Question Title

* 11. Please tell us if there are specific areas of the certification that you’d like assistance with?

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* 12. Please tell us which way you’d prefer to receive assistance

Question Title

* 13. To enable us to assist you further in achieving certification, AWRI will aim to coordinate auditors to be in regions conducting audits for several days. In which month would you like to be audited?

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* 14. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about the type of assistance that you’d like to receive?

Thank you for completing this survey it helps with our planning.  We will back in touch with you mid July when the program will commence.