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Please provide your feedback and comments on WindSight

Building on the lessons learned and products developed through 'Innowind' - a 3-year Innovation Fund Denmark project that concluded in 2020 - a new satellite-based product portfolio entitled ‘WindSight’ has been developed, aiming to improve the accuracy of wind resource assessments. 

WindSight is a big step forward in providing more accurate and reliable base layers to improve wind modelling - but what does the wind modelling community think?

To help us further improve and finetune WindSight to meet your needs and requirements, we are looking for your feedback and comments. 

Therefore, we hope that you will help us to understand what the global wind community needs in terms of input data, by answering this short survey.

To learn more about WindSight, please visit 

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* 1. Are LIDAR campaigns always required in forest areas and can WindSight replace LIDAR campaigns

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* 2. Do wind modelers develop surface roughness layers or forest height data from LIDAR data or from other data types?

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* 3. How often do wind modelers need LIDAR data on forest heights and surface roughness?

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* 4. How frequent and fast would wind modelers need to access WindSight data to make best use?

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* 5. How do you access GIS and surface layer data now?

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* 6. Any other comments or reflections about WindSight

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* 7. Please include your email address here if you would like to know more about Windsight and allow our team to follow up on your answers.

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