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Taktiful and is conducting a survey of printing executives about their use of specialty inks and toners that are included as an option on their digital presses. This short survey will only take 5-7 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept confidential and combined with all of the others in survey totals. We will not release your name or answers to anyone; this is strictly a research project, and responses will not be used to create sales leads for advertisers or dealers.
If you wish to receive a free copy of the report, please let us know at the end by checking the appropriate box and providing your email address.
Thank you for your help!

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* 1. Do you produce jobs using digital ink/toner-based embellishments?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. What is the primary business at this location? (Choose only the one that is the highest portion of 2022 sales.)

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* 4. Where is this business located?

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* 5. How many employees are at this specific location?

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* 6. What type of digital printing equipment using specialty inks and toners do you currently have in your facility? (You can select multiple answers)

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* 7. What model/s do you currently have in production for specialty inks and toners?

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* 8. What was the main reason for investing in the specialty ink and toner capabilities?

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* 9. How familiar were your customers with specialty inks/toners before you bought the press?

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* 10. Do many of your competitors offer specialty ink/toner embellishments?

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* 11. How valuable are the specialty ink/toner capabilities in your sales and marketing efforts?

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* 12. How familiar were your customers with specialty inks and toners now?

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* 13. How interested are your clients in your specialty ink/toner capabilities?

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* 14. How satisfied are you with the profit from specialty ink and toner jobs?

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* 15. How satisfied are you with your sales of specialty ink and toner jobs?

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* 16. Are your specialty ink and toner job more profitable thank your typical CMYK jobs?

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* 17. How much training have you put your sales staff through to sell the specialty ink and toner capability?

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* 18. Rank your biggest obstacles to sales for the specialty ink and toner output

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* 19. What is the one repeating objection that you are unable to over come when it comes to selling the specialty output.

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* 20. What is the average run for an embellishment job for you today?

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* 21. How are you currently estimating for the specialty ink and toner jobs?

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* 22. How much more time does a specialty ink/toner job take to setup in prepress compared to a CMYK job?

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* 23. How difficult is it to design for your specialty ink and toner jobs?

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* 24. Are the majority of your specialty ink/toner jobs designed internally or by your client?

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* 25. How often would you say you utilize the specialty color option in a typical day?

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* 26. What would you estimate is the percentage of the time you are running a specialty ink/toner on your digital press instead of a pure CMYK job?

0% 100%
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 27. How satisfied are you with the quality of your specialty ink/toner jobs?

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* 28. Based on market demand, how likely would you be to purchase another specialty ink/toner press in the future?

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* 29. Rank the most popular specialty inks and toners in order of demand, with 1 being the highest).

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* 30. Rank the following General Commercial Printing applications, with 1 being the best, in terms of sales when it comes to specialty inks and toners

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* 31. Rank the following Packaging and Label applications, with 1 being the best, in terms of sales when it comes to specialty inks and toners

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* 32. If there is a key application that was not mentioned above, and if so, what is it?

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* 33. What percentage of your specialty ink and toner use is utilized for samples and self promotion?

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* 34. How are you marketing your specialty ink and toner capabilities?

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* 35. When you made your press purchase, did you create a business plan or marketing plan when you made your press purchase on how to bring specialty inks and toners to market?

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* 36. What is your feeling about the future of Digital Embellishment market as a whole?

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* 37. If you had one piece of advice for a new print service provider getting into ink and toner based embellishments, what would it be?

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* 38. Would you be willing to be contacted by our researchers to answer follow-up questions about your responses to this survey?

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* 39. I would like to:

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