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What is Missing from the Conversation about Public Education? 

Thank you for taking the time to participate.  I (also a busy parent) promise this will be quick - some categorization questions and then an open-ended response on exactly one topic: 

What is missing in the conversation around public education?  

The last survey put the largest group of respondents in the middle - caring about academics, classroom support to achieve solid academics and educational goals for students, and safety in schools both physical and by way of inclusion and support of mental health and wellbeing.  

The dominant conversations that are often heard in public forums seem to be extremely polarized but are amplified loud and clear.  Ultimately families with students have a lot more in common than not, so what is not being said or discussed that is important to you?  

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* 1. Which school/or schools does your child/or children attend?

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* 2. How many children do you have in each grade group?

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* 3. I am a parent or caregiver for students who have:

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* 4. What is missing from the conversation about public education right now?  (for categorization purposes keep this response broad so we can group themes, detail response is coming up next)

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* 5. Please elaborate as much as you would like on the category you mentioned above.  Generalized examples are encouraged, please do not use names.  SD57 DPAC will use this information to collate and group concerns that we can incorporate in our feedback and priorities throughout the school year.

If you would like information or support on a particular issue please reach out to SD57 DPAC by email to and for additional confidentiality please email  We can guide families in multiple areas to hopefully reach solutions with education partners that support students in their K-12 journey.

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* 6. Please share your email if you would like to be added to the SD57 DPAC newsletter.

Thank you for taking the time to fill this in.  Please review Upcoming SD57 DPAC events that may be of interest to you and your family: 

Nov 4 from 11-2 in person event: PAC Cafe - for parents of students in SD57 schools (default PAC members whether you volunteer or not); cost is $15 for a catered lunch at the Civic Centre and discussion.  Reserve your Ticket on 

Nov 5 at 4pm deadline: Whistleblower Policy Feedback due ( newsreel). 

Nov 6 at 6:30pm hybrid: Regular DPAC Meeting - all parents can attend and join discussion including adding topics to the agenda.  Voting is limited to DPAC reps from SD57 schools. We will be hearing about the Student Learning Assessment reporting from the School District at 7:30pm (emerging, developing, proficient, extending) - so bring your questions after those early reports!

If you would like information sent to you directly with links and details please email us Subject: Send me the Links!
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