About this book

Question Title

* 1.

Please select the number that indicates how you feel about this statement:  

I enjoyed this book.

Question Title

* 2.

Consider the writing in the book and how descriptive (flowery, literary prose) the writing was. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is hardly any description and 10 is descriptive prose in practically every sentence, how descriptive was the writing in this book?

Question Title

* 3. Which of these best describes the main character?

Question Title

* 4. Which of these best describes the antagonist (bad guy)?

Question Title

* 5. What was the primary nature of the plot (only one choice allowed):

Question Title

* 6. Did this book immerse you in a different culture, i.e. a different region, ethnicity, lifestyle, or a different subculture like law enforcement, military, vampires, etc.?