As you are probably aware, Whaikaha announced changes to its Purchasing Rules and Equipment and Modification Services on Monday, March 18, 2024.

The Cerebral Palsy Society is preparing its response and advocacy actions. Therefore, we are asking members for their input.

We are aware there is not a lot of clarity around Whaikaha’s changes, but at this early stage we are wanting to hear how people are feeling to help us plan our next steps.

* Please note this is an anonymous survey, unless you decide to provide us with your contact details at the end.

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* 1. Are you a member of the Cerebral Palsy Society?

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* 2. When you heard about the Whaikaha funding changes how did it make you feel?

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* 3. Which type of funding do you receive? (Tick all that are relevant.)

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* 4. Do Whaikaha’s funding changes impact you and your family?

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* 5. In what areas do you think the changes will impact you and your family? (Tick all that are relevant.)

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* 6. On a practical level, how do you expect the changes will impact your daily life?

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* 7. Can we contact you if we have any further questions or we would like to discuss your answers?