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* 1. I would be willing to attend a Coalition Gathering in May or June 2020

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* 2. I would like to participate in an informal gathering to discuss the 2018-19 Director Experience and Engagement Report.

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* 3. I would like a follow-up meeting with an AFCOST staff person to discuss my organizational professional development report.

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* 4. I would like to learn more about . . . 

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* 5. I would like the opportunity to share thoughts or contribute to the following re: OST Theory of Change:  "Imagine that we effectively leverage our collective power and attention toward realizing the theory of change: What is your aspiration for what is possible in Cambridge?"   Select all that interest you.

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* 6. Additional comments about barriers which prevented me from attending the February 26th gathering and how AFCOST could support my participation in future gatherings:

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* 7. If you would like personal follow up from an AFCOST Team member, please give us your name, email, and phone number.

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