E N V I S I O N    Y O U R   L I B R A R Y

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* 1. Please select your age

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* 2. How often do you visit the Westfield Library?

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* 3. Do you bring family to the library?

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* 4. Why do you come to the library? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. What is your favorite thing about the current library?

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* 6. Do you use other surrounding public libraries?

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* 7. If you have visited other public libraries in the past, what did you like about that library that WWPL does not offer?

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* 8. What areas in the library do you use most often? 

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* 9. What types of services and spaces do you wish the Library offered? 

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* 10. If you could only change one thing about the library, what would it be?

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* 11. Describe what a new library would feel like in three words:

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* 12. Would you be willing to support a property tax increase for a New Library Building?

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* 13. If so, would you be likely to support a: