
Hello, and thank you for agreeing to fill out WellChild's survey for parents/carers of children who require regular medication - we really appreciate it.

This survey aims to learn more about your experiences of caring for your children, specifically how you give medication, and how you use technology in your day-to-day life.

We want to use our findings to help build better solutions for parents/carers like you, so please be as honest as you can. Any answers you give will be anonymised and importantly you and your family will not be identifiable from your survey answers. The wider picture gathered from this survey, using the general trends, will be used to inform our future work and may be presented to healthcare professionals and funders as evidence of need for new solutions for parents/carers.

The survey shouldn't take longer than 10-15 minutes to complete.

As a 'thank you' for taking part, you'll also be given the opportunity to enter a prize draw at the end of this survey to receive a £50 Amazon voucher.

Thank again,

The WellChild Team
9% of survey complete.