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Thank you for your interest in the City of Subiaco's Waterwise Verge Rebate program. As a Gold endorsed Waterwise Council we are thrilled you will be joining us on our journey to become a water sensitive city.

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Waterwise Verge Rebate Program timeline

<strong>Waterwise Verge Rebate Program timeline</strong>
The timeline of the program is designed to fit around planting and establishing new plants in autumn/early winter as temperatures cool and rains start to come which ensures better survival rates.

Before completing this form, you will need to:
  1. Get the property owner's approval to do the makeover (if you are a tenant), or get agreement between owners (if a strata property)
  2. Measure the area to be transformed in m2
  3. Take a picture of the area(s) to be transformed and have it ready to be attached
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