ReView your Strand-Capitol experience!

11% of survey complete.
We value your opinion about your recent experience at the Strand-Capitol Performing Arts Center!

Please take 3 minutes to share with us your anonymous reView of your overall Strand-Capitol experience at the performance you recently attended so that we may serve you better.

If you have questions or comments that you would like to discuss or that require feedback, please send them to Ken Wesler, President and CEO of the Strand-Capitol Performing Arts Center at

We look forward to your feedback!

Question Title

* 1. The name of the Strand-Capitol performance/film/event you just experienced was...(name of event)

Question Title

* 2. Please rate how important these factors were in influencing your decision to purchase tickets for this event.

  1: Not important 2 3 4 5: Very important
Mass media (TV, radio, newspaper)
Time of performance
The artist/show
Prior knowledge about the performance
Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Ticket price
Word of mouth (friend,relative)
Season brochure