Your feedback is helpful as we move forward together in Wake County to gather baseline data about use of the ACEs questionnaire and trauma informed care, as well as the actions all of us (whether we interact with patients, clients or students who may need services or not) can take to improve the lives of people in Wake County.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Which category best represents your organization?

Question Title

* 3. Please describe the audience for your screening: (mark all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. Number of attendees at screening

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* 5. Did your audience complete the ACEs survey to determine their ACEs score?

Question Title

* 6. Did your audience complete a Resilience Survey to determine their "resilience score"?

Question Title

* 7. What did attendees discuss as next steps?

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* 8. How can the ACEs Initiative at SAFEchild support your next steps?

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* 9. Would you please share your list of attendees and their contact information with us so we can communicate with them about their interest in advancing ACEs outcomes in Wake County? We will not share the list and will only contact them about ACEs. Please email names, organizations and email addresses (spreadsheet preferably) to Kate Godsey at Thank you!

Thank you for sharing this film with others and sharing your outcomes with the ACEs Initiative at SAFEchild.