Micromobility/Lithium Ion Battery Fire Reporting Program

Having data on micro-mobility/Lithium Ion battery fires is a resource campus fire safety professionals can use to assist in the development of educational programs, policies/procedures, and advocacy efforts. The report is easy to complete in less than five minutes.
The data reporting system is open to all colleges/universities, fire departments, and state and local code fire/code enforcement agencies. 
Data information will be published twice a year (January and June) and will be available anytime by request by emailing: SupportTeam@campusfiresafety.org.
We are only collecting data for On-Campus, Office Campus, and Greek Housing based on established CCFS criteria.

Question Title

* 1. Date of Fire


Question Title

* 2. Your Full Name

Question Title

* 3. Your University/College/Fire Department/Organization

Question Title

* 4. Your Title

Question Title

* 5. Your Email Address

Question Title

* 6. What category best describes your position?