Macedon Ranges Suicide Prevention Action Group - Community Feedback

1.Do you or someone you know have a lived experience of suicide, suicide ideation or self-harm?
A lived experience includes: having experienced suicidal thoughts, survived a suicide attempt, supported a loved one through a suicidal crisis, or been bereaved by suicide.
2.Do you feel supported by mental health services in the Macedon Ranges? If No please explain why.
3.Do you know what services are available in the Macedon Ranges?
4.How easy or difficult do you feel it is to seek/obtain mental health support in the Macedon Ranges?
5.What do you feel may be some of the barriers experienced by our community in seeking/obtaining mental health support?
6.What areas of improvement could be made for support and resources?
7.Do you have knowledge on how to best support someone experiencing psychological distress?
8.Have you participated in Mental Health First Aid training before?
9.would you like to recieve information on participating in Mental Health First Aid training?(Required.)
10.If you answered Yes to question 9. What is your name and email address?
11.Can you share any positive experiences for yourself or someone you care about during difficult times? ie. what wellbeing tools worked for you, what resources helped you?
12.Would you consider volunteering with MRSPAG in any capacity?(Required.)
13.If you answered Yes to question 12. What is your name and email address?
14.Is there a particular area where you think our focus should be?
15.Other feedback/comments