Thanks for taking the time to nominate a candidate for one of NAHN's prestigious awards. All of the awards are presented at our Annual Conference, which will be held in Phoenix on July 18-21. Please note that letters of support are required for award submissions. These can be sent by mail to: NAHN Awards, 1500 Sunday Drive Suite 102, Raleigh NC 27607, or scanned or photographed and e-mailed to 

Question Title

* 1. Name and contact information of person making this nomination.

Question Title

* 2. Name and contact information of person being nominated.

Question Title

* 3. Please provide the following information about the person being nominated:

Question Title

* 4. NAHN maintains several awards. Please indicate the award below that you are nominating this individual to receive.

* You may submit multiple nominations using this web portal.
* Submitted nomination information becomes the property of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN).
* Hispanic Nurses nominated for a Special Award must be a member of NAHN for at least three (3) consecutive years.
* Nominations may be self-nominated or made by colleagues, clients, administrators, or co-workers
* Letters of reference must be 300 words or less and illustrate the nominee’s qualifications and accomplishments. You may use question 5 below to submit your letter of reference or e-mail a scan or photograph of your letter to
* Nominee is to submit a current resume or curriculum vitae.
* Qualified nominees may be the recipient of a particular Award only once. Any individual who has received previous recognition by NAHN for that Award is not eligible for the same award but may be nominated for other NAHN awards.
* Nomination forms and all submitted materials must be completed on this portal or postmarked by April 15, 2017.
* If responding by mail, mail to: NAHN Awards; 1500 Sunday Drive Suite 102; Raleigh NC 27607

Question Title

* 5. Please describe your reasons for nominating this individual for an award, or provide an explanation of how this individual meets the award criteria outlined below. Please limit comments to no more than 300 words.

Latino Legacy Award
The National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) recognizes a small group of members as (Latino Legacy) who have contributed to the nursing profession with commitment to advancing the health in Hispanic communities and to lead, promote and advocate the educational, professional, and leadership opportunities for Hispanic nurses. Although these Latino Legacies have typically stepped down from the positions through which they made their legendary contributions, their work through NAHN continues to have a positive, ongoing impact on the profession and our communities.
1. A Latino Legacy must have been a member of NAHN for at least 15 years and currently be a member in good standing. 
2. S/he must be sponsored by two (2) Regular or Emeritus members in good standing. 
3. A sponsor may only nominate one applicant as a Latino Legacy per year.
4. The nominee must consent to be nominated.
5. Nominations must be submitted by the deadline announced by the board. 
6. Nominations should address the following: 
a. Describe the extraordinary and sustained contribution of the nominee as a role model and contributor to NAHN.
b. Describe the positive and ongoing impact of the work in the nursing profession and/or community they served.
Nurse of the Year
The NAHN Nurse of the Year Award is for a nurse, who is a member of the NAHN National Association of Hispanic Nurses, who has developed a creative and innovative program, intervention, or strategy in one of the following areas:

* Improving the quality of health care in the Hispanic community (narrowing health care disparity).
* Recruitment, retention, professional career development (increasing the number of Hispanic nurses at all educational and professional levels).
* NAHN organizational development at local, state, and/or the national level (growth, effectiveness, and communication within NAHN organizations, and with the community it serves). 

Evaluative criteria are as follows:

* Contribution to improving the health care of the Hispanic community across the life span, birth to end-of-life, in any health care environment.
* Innovation
* Creativity
* Leadership
* Advocacy
Ildaura Murillo-Rohde Award for Education Excellence
This award honors NAHN members who have distinguished themselves in any scholarship area and/or nursing education. Qualifications for the award include any or all of the following categories:
* Outstanding contributions in nursing education, research, and practice
* Recognized commitment to excellence in nursing
* Distinguished clinical expertise
Henrietta Villaescusa Community Service Award
This award honors NAHN members who have contributed to the improvement of health in the Hispanic community. Qualifications for the award include any or all of the following categories:
* Outstanding contributions as demonstrated by policy or program involvement of
* Regional or national significance
* Distinguished community health practice
* Publicly recognized commitment to improving the health of the Hispanic Community
Janie Menchaca Wilson Leadership Award
This award honors NAHN members who have distinguished themselves as nursing leaders. Qualifications for the award include any or all of the following categories:
* Outstanding leadership contributions at the local community, state or national level
* Leadership reflected in the areas of planning, practice, or implementation of a program that has positively impacted the Hispanic community
Sarah Gomez Erlach Humanitarian Award
This award honors NAHN members who seek to improve health delivery to the rural poor and migrant farm workers and their families. Qualifications for the award include any or all of the following categories:
*Initiating or implementing health program(s) for the financially disadvantaged and/or migrant farm workers and their families.
*Publicly recognized statewide or national rural health program(s).
*Advocacy and commitment to public health services to the financially disadvantaged and/or migrant farm workers and their families.