SCU Psychology Association - Coffs Harbour

Introductory Survey

Hello all! This is a quick 10 question survey to find out students’ preferences for things like events, programs, social gatherings, dietary requirements to consider etc. It really helps us out!

Would you be interested in joining the Psychology Association as a member (Free)? Joining means you will get email updates on any events being hosted, freebies, newsletter access and more!

If you selected YES, please fill out form found in Q10.
2.Events & Programs

Would you like to attend a free BBQ/games social event after each term? (Coffs Harbour location) 
3.Would you be interested in participating in a psychology mentoring program for undergraduate students?

(Info: A voluntary program providing support and assisting with understanding rubrics/assessment tasks, providing useful resources and giving advice for future studies. Mentors = Honours or Post Graduate students. Mentees = Undergraduate students).
4.Would you like to engage more with the Psychology Staff?
(Ideas might include staff vs student fun events, academics speaking about relevant topics, Q and A panels, lunch gatherings).
5.We plan to host professional events and invite guest speakers such as Lifeline, Community Services and potentially psychologists/academics/career spokespeople to give presentations on psychology related topics.

Would you consider attending a talk if it was something of interest?
6.Dietary Requirements

We will be putting on bake sales, lunches/dinners etc for the psychology students, are there any dietary requirements we should consider for you?
7.Feedback & Suggestions

We are planning a Stress Less Program. Here are some ideas we had. What activities would you consider attending? (Multiple answers)
8.Do you have any recommendations for particular guest speakers or topics, event ideas or social gathers etc?
9.Do you have any ideas or feedback we could use to improve the experience of club members?