Who is getting trained or needs to be trained for current or future workforce needs?

Monterey Bay DART (Monterey Bay DART) is assessing the need and demand for a regional workforce training center focused on preparing the local workforce for the jobs of the future in advanced manufacturing, drones, automation, and robotics technology. The feasibility study will take into account employer and industry input, existing facilities, programs, structures, site options, and other factors.
This Survey will gather specific information from community-based organizations, local governments, non-profits, and others to inform our feasibility assessment of the need for a modern workforce training center.  We want to hear from community organizations focused on the public interest, about what they see as most important in thinking about such a center, and considerations to achieve the most effective and relevant facility and program. The Survey is made up of a series of multiple choice and short answer questions that should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete.
Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is both critical and important to the development of this regional workforce training facility.

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* 1. Who are you affiliated with (please select all that apply)?

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* 2. What are the top workforce training needs you see within your represented community (please select all that apply)?

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* 3. For your specific community, would you say the need for workforce related training is:

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* 4. In your view, who among your represented community currently has limited access to workforce development programs (please select all that apply)?

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* 5. Who is currently being trained in your represented community (please select all that apply)?

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* 6. Within your represented community who needs to be trained (select all that apply)?

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* 7. Within your represented community what training is needed but is not available at the present time?

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* 8. What type of workforce training facilities and equipment do you believe are needed for your organization, represented community, or other community in need?

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* 9. Please offer any other suggestions/thoughts regarding workforce training needs in the area that are not covered above:

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* 10. What is your Zip Code?

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* 11. (OPTIONAL) Please provide your name and contact information that will be held strictly confidential. May we contact you to discuss any follow-up questions?