Celebrate Arizona Agriculture with the Farm Fresh Challenge!

Thank you for participating in the Arizona Department of Education, Health and Nutrition Services' Farm Fresh Challenge! School Food Authorities (SFAs) and Sponsors all over the state are invited to join in the 2020-2021 Farm Fresh Challenge starting in October 2020 through April 2021. We look forward to celebrating with you!

 To participate in the challenge, simply do the following in the month registered:

Taste Arizona: Serve a minimum of three locally sourced NSLP/SSO/SFSP meal components (e.g., grain, dairy, fresh fruits or vegetables, eggs, or meat) during the month of your Challenge registration to encourage your community to eat Arizona grown, fresh and healthy food. 

Teach Arizona. Host a minimum of two  educational activities during the month of your Challenge registration. Educational activities that educate children where local sourced foods comes can include: taste testing local products; virtual or in-person field trips to local farms or farmers markets; inviting a farmer to virtual or in-person lunch, pen-pal programs with farmers, reading an Arizona agriculture-based book, garden-based learning activities online or in-person; or educational lessons focused on Arizona foods and agriculture. Tip: Use  ADE's Harvest of the Season resources or leverage one of the community partners listed in the Farm Fresh Challenge toolkit to help you administer a quick lesson about foods served in your challenge program. 

Connect Arizona: Share a minimum of one social media post on Facebook, Instagram or post to your website about your Farm Fresh Challenge Celebration(s) using the Hashtag #AZf2S #FarmFreshAZ. Use this marketing tool to invite your  community to dine with you or to celebrate your challenge program afterward. 

ADE will recognize all NSLP/SSO/SFSP Sponsors and SFAs that complete the challenge and submit the post-challenge survey. This post-survey will collect  information about details of the local NSLP/SSO/SFSP meal components served, dollars spent on local meal components, and details about educational opportunities that were provided. 

Every site that participates will be recognized from the Arizona Department of Education by the close of May 2021.  Three registrants will be selected to receive the Top Performance Award, showcasing high-level performance in this challenge program.  

 If you would like additional resources about getting started on Celebrating Farm Fresh Challenge, please visit http://www.azed.gov/hns/azf2s/ or email us at ArizonaFarmtoSchool@azed.gov.

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* 1. Please complete the following

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* 2. Please choose preferred person for ADE to contact regarding your Farm Fresh Challenge plans.

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* 3. Which Challenge month are you registering for? Please select one.

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* 4. How many sites will be participating in the 2020-2021 Farm Fresh Challenge? Even if you are operating at only one site, please type the number of NSLP/SSO/SFSP sites participating. Note: In closing the Challenge, you will be asked to identify how many meals were served with local foods during the month.

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* 5. Based off of information shared on the July 29th webinar and within the 2020-2021 Farm Fresh Challenge Toolkit, please indicate which Taste Arizona Tier you will be participating in.

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* 6. What type of meal service delivery does your operation best identify with? (Please select only one)

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* 7. Please provide any planned educational activities that teach children about local foods, nutrition and/or Arizona agriculture. Activity examples include taste testing local products, virtual or in-person field trips to a virtual or in-person visit to a local farm or farmers' market, Meet the Farmer day, garden-based activities, virtual or in-person classroom lessons on local food and agriculture.

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* 8. Do you plan to post on social media as part of your participation in the Celebrate Farm Fresh Challenge? (Reminder: Please tag these posts using the hashtags #FarmFreshAZ and #AZf2s). Alternative options for connecting with your community are also available, please share those options below. These can include, but are not limited to: website promotion, radio or newspaper announcements, emails, hard mailers etc.

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* 9. ADE staff is happy to celebrate with you on your Farm Fresh Challenge! For those planning events in, ADE will work with you to accommodate special site visits, as appropriate. Indicate your interest to have ADE visit your site(s) during the month of your Challenge.