To support strategic growth in the Canadian Aviation and Aerospace Industry, CCAA is revising its current occupational standards, and adding new industry-specific occupational standards. These standards form the foundation of many CCAA tools, such as curricula, training programs, certification, workshop materials, logbooks, online assessments, and more. 
You can help with the update by rating the relevance of current CCAA Occupational Standards (those which are no longer relevant, are relevant, or are very relevant). You can also let us know which new occupations need a standard, and which could be combined to reflect occupations that cover more than one skill set.

Please take a few moments to complete this survey to tell us about your occupational requirements. 

All survey responses will be kept confidential. Survey responses will be aggregated on National and Provincial/Regional levels, as the data sample permits. All respondents will be entered in a draw for a 1 in 5 chance to win a $10 Tim Horton's gift card.

Access to the survey ends on November 27, 2019. Please share the survey link with any colleagues or members of industry who might want to participate.

CCAA is working with Marlene Conway Diels of Envision Technologies to support the survey.  Marlene may be reached at 1-905-536-1371 or to provide any assistance and follow up you may require.

You may also contact Theresa Davis-Woodhouse, Director of Project Management, CCAA by telephone at 1-800-448-9715 ext. 247 or by email for further information.