Carelot Children's Center- Annual Family Survey

In order to continue  our National Accreditation with NAEYC, we are required to have 75% of more of families complete a survey each year. Please answer the questions below. If you have more than one child, we ask that you complete one for each child. This Family Survey as part of its self assessment for accreditation by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Family perspectives are essential to the NAEYC Accreditation process. To achieve and maintain accreditation, programs must provide opportunities for families to participate in the Self Assessment and the program improvement process. Programs must provide all enrolled families the opportunity to respond confidentially and anonymously to this survey; for example, no names, identifying information, or coding may be used. At least half of all enrolled families must return the survey for the results to be considered valid. The program compiles the results and reports them to NAEYC. For more information about NAEYC Accreditation, please visit

For each statement, choose “Yes” or “No” or “DK” (“don’t know”). If the statement does not apply to your program, choose “NA (“not applicable”) if “NA” is provided as an option for that statement. Please choose only one response per statement, and do not write in responses that are not offered as an option.

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* 1. I have a good relationship with my child's teacher and other staff.

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* 2. The teacher takes good care of my child, helps my child learn to get along with others, and is a good teacher.

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* 3. The teacher often shares information about things happening in the program and wants to know about things my child is doing at home.

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* 4. I talk with a teacher about my child at least once a week (or every day if my child is a baby).

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* 5. 5.5. I have received information at enrollment and/or throughout the year about the program and my child’s classroom, including information about: a. Program mission and philosophy b. Rules and expectations c. Procedures for drop-off and pickup and handling emergencies

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* 6. I receive this information in a language that I understand.

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* 7. The teacher asks about things that are important to our family and uses this information to help my child grow and learn.

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* 8. For families who speak a language other than English at home: The teacher and I discuss the language used to teach my child.

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* 9. I am invited to take part in classroom activities and events.

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* 10. When I disagree with how a teacher works with my child, I feel comfortable letting the teacher know and working together to find a solution that works for both of us.

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* 11. I am comfortable with what my child is learning and how my child's progress is measured. I have the opportunity to discuss what is learned and how it is measured.

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* 12. I know how the program makes sure that information about my child and his or her progress is kept confidential.

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* 13. I receive written reports about my child at least twice a year.

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* 14. I am told about my child's progress in language I understand and in ways that are respectful to me and my family.

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* 15. The teacher and program work with me to meet my child's individual or special needs and help me get other resources within the community when needed.

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* 16. The program helps me get to know other families in the program and encourages us to support each other.

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* 17. I am always welcome at the program and am invited to participate by helping to plan events, being involved in decisions about the program, and taking on leadership roles.

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* 18. I am provided a translator when needed.

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* 19. The program staff helps me learn about community events and resources that can help my child and family.

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* 20. The program gives me information to help my child make a smooth transition to kindergarten or first grade.

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* 21. When program evaluations are completed, I receive information about the findings.

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* 22. I generally feel respected by the program staff and that my contributions are valued.

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* 23. For families with babies only: The program supports breastfeeding by providing space, storing milk, instructing staff on handling procedures, etc.

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* 24. For families with babies or children with special nutritional needs: Staff work with me to meet my child's nutritional needs and document for me what my child eats each day.

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* 25. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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* 26. Do you feel your concerns are addressed in a timely manner?

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* 27. If you could make a recommendation to improve your child's educational experience, what would it be?

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* 28. How long have you been a member of our Carelot Family?

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* 29. What program is your child enrolled in?

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* 30. Family Name- (optional)