1. This survey is seeking answers on two topics.

Your West Virginia Orthopaedic Society (WVOS) is working to update the strategic plan that will guide our direction for the next three years.  We need your input in two areas: how can WVOS be of benefit to you and where do you want to participate.  Please share this information by May 11, 2020.

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* 1. Please list the size of your practice, based on number of FTE physicians.

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* 2. In which geographic region do you practice?

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* 3. In your own words, what are the most beneficial services or activities WVOS provides for you and/or your practice?

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* 4. In your own words, what three things could WVOS provide that would be most beneficial to you and/or your practice?

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* 5. We are expanding our committees to create more opportunities for you to stay active in the West Virginia Orthopaedic Society.  These were described in detail in the Winter 2020 issue of No Bones About It; descriptions below are abbreviated committee descriptions.

We would urge you to take the opportunity to become more involved In one of these five committees.  If you'd like to serve, please share your name, email and cell number, then make your selection(s) in the remaining questions.

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* 6. Continuing Education:  
This committee plans the educational program at our Spring Break Meeting. It consists of representatives from all areas of the state who “host” that year’s meeting.

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* 7. Legislative
This committee, in conjunction with the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons, monitors laws and policies being made at the federal, state and local level that may have an impact on how we are able to treat our patients.

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* 8. Membership
The heart of every society is its membership. This committee maintains and recruits orthopaedic surgeons and allied health professionals into the Society, and works on maximizing value to the members.

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* 9. Philanthropy
This new committee looks at giving back. We are all privileged to provide musculoskeletal care to West Virginians, and this is a chance to help our state even more. Its mission is to come up with activities and projects for the membership to participate in for community service.

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* 10. Research
This new committee focuses on the research mission of our field. Its purpose is to look for ways we can support research projects with grants, fundraisers, etc. It works to find multi-institutional research opportunities. Its main activity is the Resident Research Forum at the Spring Break Meeting. It’s a great way to further your own research connections in the state and develop ideas for new projects.