Question Title

* 1. What was the date of your event?


Question Title

* 2. How professional were the employees of Dang Good Dogs?

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* 3. How convenient was it to book Dang Good Dogs for your event or party?

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* 4. How well did we do answering your questions before you booked us?

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* 5. Compared to our competitors, is our product quality better, worse, or about the same?

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* 6. Compared to our competitors, are our prices more reasonable, less reasonable, or about the same?

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* 7. Would you hire us again to cater your party or event?

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* 8. If I could change one thing about my experience with Dang Good Dogs, it would be...

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* 9. The best part about Dang Good Dogs at my event was...

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* 10. Are there any additional comments or information you'd like to share with us?