Showcase your Neighborhood!

Thank you for your interest in helping us make the May 12, 2018 Neighborhood Day an exciting event with lots of fun activities! Neighborhood Day is the perfect time to bring your neighbors together to build community spirit and pride. Please complete the information below so we know who your group is, what you will be doing on Neighborhood Day, and how to contact you. Our goal is to help you promote and advance your neighborhood activities through an event page on, posters in community buildings, an article in The Insider, and through community networks.

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* 1. What is the name of the event you plan on holding the weekend of May 12 and 13 (such as Nauck Community Yard Sale or Bluemont Neighborhood BBQ)?

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* 2. What is the name of the organization or the group sponsoring the event?

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* 3. Please provide a description of your event that can be included in Neighborhood Day promotions and that will encourage people to support your event.

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* 4. Who is the primary person that County staff should contact for your more information regarding your event?

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* 5. What event contact information should be listed in Neighborhood Day promotions for your event?

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* 6. Is there a website for the event?

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* 7. What is the mobile phone number that your organization/event can be reached at on Neighborhood Day? This number will not be shared with the community, but only used by staff in case of emergency.

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* 8. Would you like us to invite the County Board to your event? If you say yes, we will be in contact with additional information.

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* 9. What else do we need to know to help you have a successful event?

Events will be listed in various local media. Please submit your event information by April 6, 2018.