Thank you for using the Wisconsin DNR complaint submittal system. This system will help the Wisconsin DNR evaluate potential waterway and wetland violations. Topics this system should be used for include:
- Placing structures in a waterway or wetland (piers, marinas, boat houses, etc.)
- Removing material from a waterway or wetland
- Realigning a stream
- Withdrawing water from a waterway
- Filling in a waterway or wetland area
Please do not submit a complaint multiple times. The Wisconsin DNR receives approximately 1,200 waterway and wetland complaints per year. Complaints will be prioritized to ensure that life, health and safety and significant environmental concerns are addressed as soon as practicable.
Please be aware that topics outside the scope of this jurisdiction such as grading outside a waterway or wetland, zoning or other matters will not be responded to. If you have other unrelated topics (CAFO, stormwater, solid waste, aquatic plant management), please refer to the Wisconsin DNR hotline at 1-800-847-9367.

Question Title

* 1. Please describe the nature of your inquiry:

20% of survey complete.