Your input is important!

Thank you for your time filling these questions!  Your input is valuable to us to decide our plan moving forward when dealing with changes in the informed consent process.  

Question Title

* 1. The 2018 Common Rule, currently effective July 19, 2018, includes a requirement for consent forms to begin with a new section: a summary highlighting the most important parts of the study from the subject’s perspective.

Specifically, the document or script must start with "a concise and focused presentation of the key information that is most likely to assist a prospective subject or legally authorized representative in understanding the reasons why one might or might not want to participate in the research. This provision further requires that this beginning portion of the informed consent must be organized and presented in a way that facilitates comprehension." 

Under the new Common Rule, this would only be required for federally-funded studies. However, Emory could expand the requirement and/or we could also start implementing it now. 

Based on your view of the importance of this new introductory summary in terms of subjects’ comprehension, please select one or more of the below options that reflect your preference:

Question Title

* 2. When introductory summary is required

Question Title

* 3. Timing of requirements

Question Title

* 4. Other required changes involve additional elements in the consent form, if bio-specimens are collected/used. These include language about ownership, commercial profit, future use, whole genome sequencing, and returning results.  Please select the options you feel would work better for our institution.

Question Title

* 5. Any additional comments: