Section I: The Future of Home Care

In-home personal care for the elderly and disabled is the fastest growing segment of health care in America.  There are over 26,000 companies providing this care.  

To better understand the future of this industry sector, and the trends that are shaping the future, we would like to get your input.

Please take a few minutes to answer these 15 questions.  In exchange for your time and insights, we will provide a full copy of our published White Paper, and will invite you to participate in a live Web Conference where we will share the results of this research, and share our perspective on this information to help you grow your business and get ready for the future.

Thanks in advance.  

Question Title

* 1. As a result of working with hundreds of home care companies, Leading Home Care has identified twelve specific systems that are key to operating a successful home care business.  Which of the following 12 systems do you feel are most important for you to leverage in the future to scale your home care company? Pick the three most important systems to develop. (Pick 3)

Question Title

* 2. What are the biggest pain points that will get in the way of growing your home care business over the next five years?  Rate each pain point listed on a scale of 1 to 5.

  1. Not at all painful 2. Not very painful 3. Somewhat painful 4. Very painful 5. Extremely painful
Caregiver Shortages
Caregiver Recruiting
Caregiver Retention
New Client Attraction 
Office Team Effectiveness
Regulatory Compliance
Data Privacy and Security
Operational Systems Efficiency
Revenue Growth

Question Title

* 3. There are a number of external forces and trends that are shaping the future of home care. Often these forces are outside of your control, but hinder your ability to grow your business.  Please rate each of these forces on a sale of 1 to 5 on how much you think it will hinder your ability to grow your business over the next five years.

  1. No hindrance 2. Very little hindrance 3. Some hindrance 4. Very big hindrance 5. Extreme hindrance
Consolidation of the industry
The entry of Private Equity companies into Home Care
Increasing competition
Rising costs of staff, supplies, and services
The increasing use of technology in home care
Government Regulation at the Local Level
Government Regulation at the State Level
Government Regulation at the Federal Level
The State of the Economy
Labor Market Conditions
The increasing cost of home care
Professional Liability
The increasing awareness of home care by consumers

Question Title

* 4. What do you see as the greatest growth opportunities for home care companies in the next five years? Which of these will provide the greatest opportunity to you and your company based on where you are today?  Rate each opportunity on a scale of 1 to 5.

  1. No growth opportunity 2. Very low growth opportunity 3. Some growth opportunity 4. Very high growth opportunity 5. Extremely high growth opportunity
Doing a much better job with our current business in our current market and attracting more clients
Expanding into new geographic markets
Adding additional payer sources
Adding new revenue streams
Acquiring other Home Care companies in expanded markets
Leveraging innovation in technology to increase efficiency and reduce costs

Question Title

* 5. Based on your current model of business, which of the following payer sources will provide the greatest opportunity for growth in the next five years?  Rate each payer sources on a scale of 1 to 5.  

  1. No opportunity for growth 2. Very little opportunity for growth 3. Some opportunity for growth 4. Very high opportunity for growth 5. Extremely high opportunity for growth
Private Pay Home Care
Medicaid and Medicaid Waivers
Veterans Administration
Long Term Care Insurance
Medicare Advantage Plans
Managed Care Organizations (MCO)
Accountable Care Organizations (ACO)
Area Agency on Aging
Workers Compensation
Bank Trusts and Family Trusts
Care paid directly by Hospitals to Home Care Companies