Northern Zone Good Sports Pre-Season Survey 2023

Northern Zone Good Sports Pre-Season Survey 2023

Good Sports is a culture change initiative aiming to create positive sporting experiences for children by educating and supporting the key adult influences in youth sport.  This includes behaviour both on the court and on the side of a netball court.

We are wanting to find out about the on court and sideline behaviour at our Netball Centres

We are aware that your Centre is running some positive initiatives to try and tackle this area in the upcoming season which is great.  To measure the impact of what you will run, we have created a pre and post intervention survey to determine how successful this is and what impact it creates.

We invite Centre staff, coaches, umpires, players and anyone from your Centre to fill out this pre and post season survey.  This should only take 5 minutes and contains up to 5 questions.

Please forward this survey to anyone in your Centre who you perceive would have a good gauge of on court and sideline behaviours e.g. games coordinators/umpires.

Survey closes on Friday 9th June 2023.

Thank you in advance for filling out this survey.
1.Please type your full name
2.Please type your email address
3.Please select the Centre that you are affiliated with
4.What is your role in Netball(Required.)
5.If you work in a Netball Centre then there are some specific Centre related options to select in this question) Whether a paid employee or volunteer please select all that apply or relate to your role at the Centre.(Required.)
6.In the last 12 months, do you think the negative on court and sideline behaviour has improved?
7.In the last 12 months, how frequently have you/or your child witnessed or experienced inappropriate behaviour by a spectator, coach or official while you/your child played?
8.Has the general level of complaints around sideline behaviour increased, decreased or stayed the same in the last netball season?