2018 Membership Survey Question Title * 1. What are the top three challenges impacting growth or management of your business? Shortage of qualified workers Too many regulatory compliance issues Workforce drug, behavioral, or health issues Cost of energy Cost of healthcare Unfair or burdensome taxes Tariffs and fees Ownership transition or succession Aging workforce Inexperienced workforce Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. What are the top three business advocacy priorities for your Chamber? Affordable clean water Low-cost wastewater services Shovel ready industrial land Industrial spec building or space Available retail space Available office space Quality workforce Improve public transportation for workers Smart regulatory government to avoid duplication and costs Lower energy costs Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. What are the top three community priorities your chamber should support? Community safety More walkable and bikeable pathways Wellness and healthy living More available housing Promote pre-school learning programs K-12 school success for careers Improving Muskegon’s image Diversity and Inclusion Waterfront development Sherman Blvd corridor development Continued Downtown development Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. What is the largest challenge facing your company on a daily basis? OK Question Title * 5. Which three member benefits are the most important to your business? Business Advocacy Business Counseling Business Referrals Discounted email marketing software Discounted Office Supplies Free and Affordable Advertising Discounted Application Fees for Lakeshore Art Festival and Home, Garden, and DIY Show Lakeshore Community Cash Relocation Services and Tours Networking and Business Connections Workers Compensation Insurance Coupons/Discounts Page Access to business resources Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 6. Pick your top three valued Chamber events for education or networking. Business for Breakfast STIR Networking Events Holiday Kick-Off Party Chamber Classic Golf Outing Entrepreneur Award Luncheon Lakeshore Art Festival Home, Garden + DIY Show Small Business Training Muskegon STAR! Training Muskegon In Focus Interns On Deck ATHENA on the Lakeshore Award Luncheon Business Owner Roundtable Chamber Orientation Economic Summit Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. What is the best time for you/your company to attend events? A.M. Lunch After Hours Any time works for us I prefer to connect online not at events OK Question Title * 8. How would you prefer to be communicated with? (Check all the apply) Email Website In Person Phone Call Text Message Twitter Facebook Instagram Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 9. Do you use the online business directory? Yes No I didn’t know about the online business directory OK Question Title * 10. What is your perception of the business climate on the Muskegon Lakeshore? Very favorable Favorable Unfavorable OK Question Title * 11. What are your comments about the local business climate, the community, or the Chamber in general? OK Question Title * 12. Business Information Company Name Title Email Address OK Thank you for your feedback. We greatly appreciate it! If you would like more information about the Chamber or your membership, please contact Dawn Johnson at 231-724-3175 or JohnsonD@muskegon.org.www.muskegon.org OK DONE